The Ridiculously Large Benefits of Wholefood Cooking [and a free recipe book]

One of the most joyous things about being told about a health concern is that you get to make changes with urgency. I know that's an unusual take on it, but I'm truly grateful for these challenges (even if they still make me feel uncomfortable).
At least, that's how I felt a few days after I was told that my cholesterol levels were rising, and my liver function wasn't optimal. It's my post-50 era, and our kids are young, so there is naturally high motivation to stay healthy.
Having tried the bowl of rolled oats every morning, and just minor, lip service changes to my diet, I knew it was time to get more serious.
When diet is life-changing
Past experiences had taught me that a wholefood diet could change more than one life. See, we had been trying for baby number two for four years and we had run out of options.
In Vitro hadn't worked (I'd ovulated despite the medication), I had experienced multiple miscarriages, we knew that I had the MTHFR genes, and I was 44 years old. For all intents and purposes, we were done. But I had a ridiculous notion that my body was healthy, and I was a youthful mid 40s woman, and my husband was younger, and that we just were meant to have one more baby. It didn't make any sense, but the intuitive pull was definitive.
As we were preparing to move internationally, from Sydney to Bath, on a whim I discovered The Whole 30. And after detoxing our home of all endocrine disruptors, and making as many changes to natural options as possible, it seemed like one thing we hadn't really done before. Plus, I knew I would need some stamina to move our family of four to England with a 3 and 11 year old in tow.
The Whole 30
This is a protocol of whole food for 30 days.
- no processed grains (not even rice)
- no gluten
- no dairy
- no sugar
- no alcohol
I know that makes it sound ridiculously hard, but somehow, once we made the decision to do it, the challenges of the Whole 30 were far outweighed by the benefits almost immediately.
My sleep improved about 300%. My moods evened out. My skin was soft. It was amazing. And even more magically, within a month of doing it, I was pregnant naturally and had a very uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. I even had a gestational diabetes negative after a positive in the pregnancy before (at 40-41 years old) which is unusual.
So, yeah, for us, whole food is as magic as this....
For all of the above reasons, I am a huge believer in wholefood cooking. That's why I put together this cookbook for the members of my Soul Mama Plus program - and I'm offering it to you for free now.
Soul Mama +Plus is a fast track to reconnection, joy and clarity. This unique monthly program includes gives you access to the 5-step LionLife Roadmap. Embed key practices that take you from feeling lost, isolated, yearning for a moment to yourself, to fully alive, more joyful, and right on track to make the impact you always dreamed of.
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